Tim Ottinger's image, hosted by Uncle Bob.
The Red Green Refactor mantra has been around for a long time, and the cycle shown above is a familiar one. But if you look carefully, it's not really an accurate representation of what you are doing.
Let's borrow Tony Hoare's notion of preconditions and postcondions, and apply them to the various stages of the Red Green Refactor cycle.
The precondition for entering the RED stage is that we have an empty set of failing tests, and a set P (which may or may not be empty) of passing tests. The post condition is that we have a single element set of failing tests (t), and the same set P of passing tests. (If introducing a new test causes other tests to fail, then we have some undesirable coupling that needs to be addressed).
The precondition for entering the GREEN stage is that we have a single element set of failing tests (t), and a set P of passing tests. The postcondition is that the set of failing tests in empty, and the set of passing tests is the union of (t) and P. Which is to say, we've moved test (t) from the failing column to the passing column, without breaking anything else.
The precondition for entering the REFACTORING stage is that we have an empty set of failing tests (), and a set P of passing tests. The postcondition is that we have an empty set of failing tests (), and the same set P of passing tests.
What we really have here are two different cycles that happen to share starting and terminal states. The upper cycle is used to add more tests, which is to say to add constraints on the behavior of the system. The lower cycle is used to improve the implementation.
On the happy path, the upper cycle has two distinct movements; first, we introduce a new constraint by extending only the test code. Then we satisfy the constraint by modifying only the production code. This is our test calibration, we've proven that the test is actually measuring the production behavior.
But there are unhappy paths - for instance, we introduce a new test, but the test passes when first run. That puts us in an unwelcome state of green, where we haven't yet demonstrated that the code is measuring production. So first we have to drive ourselves to a red state by changing the production code, before we revert back to a true green.
If you are practicing test driven development, you are already doing these things. Take some time to observe yourself doing them, and I promise that you'll make some interesting discoveries.