Thursday, January 19, 2017

A RESTful supply closet

At stackflow, another question was submitted about REST API design for non CRUD actions.  In thinking about it, I found an analogy that may help explain the point.

Imagine a supply closet; an actual physical closet in the real world.  The stock includes boxes of pencils.  What does a web API for the supply closet look like?

As Jim Webber pointed out years ago, HTTP is a document management application.  So the first thing to realize is that we are trying to create an interface that supports the illusion that the supply closet is a document store.  If we want to know about the current state of the closet, we read the latest report out of the store.  To change the state of the closet, we propose changes to the document store.

How do we convert the current state of the closet to a document?  In the real world (think 1950s office), we would ask the quartermaster for the latest inventory document.  If a recent one is available, the quartermaster gives us a copy of that document.  Otherwise, he can look in the closet, count the boxes, and produce send us a copy of the fresh report.

That, fundamentally, is GET.  We ask the API for a copy of the inventory report.  Maybe the API just copies the report that's posted on the closet door, maybe the API goes inside the closet to count everything, maybe the closet isn't accessible, so we just get the last report the API saw.  Doesn't matter, we got a document.

Now, key in the next stage is to realize that the document is not the closet; when we edit the document, boxes of pencils don't magically appear in the closet.  What we need to implement is the illusion that the closet really is a document store.

In our real world model, we read the inventory report, and there aren't enough pencils.  So we create a new document -- a memo to the quartermaster that says "stock more pencils".  When we deliver the memo to the quartermaster, he decides how to get more pencils for the closet -- maybe he gets boxes out of storage, or buys some from the store next door.  Maybe he updates his todo list (another document)  and tells you he'll get back to you.

This is the basic idiom of HTML forms.  We create (POST) a new document to the API, and the API interprets that document as changes to be made to the closet.  The requisition document and the inventory document are different resources.  For that matter, the collection of requisition documents and the inventory document are different resources.  So you need a different namespace of identifiers to work with.

HTTP (but not HTML) also supports another approach.  Instead of interacting with the closet by submitting new documents, we could interact with the closet by proposing edits to the existing documents.

This, to my mind, feels a bit more declarative -- you describe in the edited document the state that you want the closet to be in, and its up to the API to figure out the details of making that happen.  In our analogy, we've sent to the quartermaster a copy of the inventory with a bunch of corrections made to it, and he changes the state of the closet to match the document.

This is PUT -- specifically a PUT to the inventory resource.  Notice that it doesn't change what work the quartermaster needs to do to fill the closet; it doesn't change his schedule for doing that work, it doesn't change the artifacts that he generates while doing the work.  It just changes which document manipulation illusion we are choosing to support.

Now, HTTP is specific about the behavior of the imaginary document store we are mimicking, which is that PUT is an upsertIf we want fine grained control of the contents of the closet ("more pencils, leave everything else alone"), then we need to upsert to a resource with a matching grain.

PATCH is another alternative to introducing finer grained resources; we send the patch to the server, it compares the patched version of the inventory document to the original version, and from there decides what changes need to be made to the closet.

These are all variations of the same fundamental idea - the HTTP request describes the desired end state, and the implementation sitting behind the API figures out how to realize that end.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle to explain the REST isn't CRUD. POST vs PUT is about who names a resource (server or client), not about the state change (create or update).
