Friday, May 11, 2018

Tests, Adapters, and the lifecycle of an API Contract

The problem that I faced today was preparing for a change of an API; the goal is to introduce new interfaces with new spellings that produce the same observable behaviors as the existing code.

Superficially, it looks a bit like paint by numbers.  I'm preparing for a world where I have two different implementations to exercise with the same behavior, ensuring that the same side effects are measured at the conclusion of the automated check.

But the pattern of the setup phase is just a little bit different.  Rather than wiring the automated check directly to the production code, we're going to wire the check to an adapter.

The basic principles at work are those of a dependency injection friendly framework, as described by Mark Seemann.
  • The client owns the interface
  • The framework is the client
In this case, the role of the framework is played by the scenario, which sets up all of the mocks, and verifies the results at the conclusion of the test.  The interface is a factory, which takes a description of the test environment and returns an instance of the system under test.

That returned instance is then evaluated for correctness, as described by the specification.

Of course, if the client owns the interface, then the production code doesn't implement it -- the dependency arrow points the wrong direction.

We beat this with an adapter; the automated check serves as a bridge between the scenario specification and a version of the production code.  In other words, the check stands as a demonstration that the production code can be shaped into something that satisfies the specification.

This pattern gives us a reasonably straight forward way to push two different implementations through the same scenario, allowing us to ensure that the implementation of the new api provides equivalent capabilities to its predecessor.

But I didn't discover this pattern trying to solve that problem...

The problem that I faced was that I had two similar scenarios, where the observable outcome was different -- the observable behavior of the system was a consequence of some configuration settings. Most of my clients were blindly accepting the default hints, and producing the normal result. But in a few edge cases, a deviation from the default hints produced a different result.

The existing test suite was generally soft on this scenario. My desired outcome was two fold -- I wanted tests in place to capture the behavior specification now, and I wanted artifacts that would demonstrate that the edge case behavior needed to be covered in new designs.

We wouldn't normally group these two cases together like this. We're more likely to have a suite of tests ensuring that the default configuration satisfies its cases, and that the edge case configuration satisfies a different suite of results.

We can probably get closer to the desired outcome by separating the scenario and its understanding of ExpectedResult from the specifications.

And likewise for the edge case.

In short, parallel suites with different expected results in shared scenarios, with factory implementations that are bound to a specific implementation.

The promise (actually, more of a hope) is that as we start moving the api contracts through their life cycles -- from stable to legacy/deprecated to retired -- we will along the way catch that there are these edges cases that will need resolution in the new contracts.  Choose to support them, or not, but that choice should be deliberate, and not a surprise to the participants.

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