Monday, January 7, 2019

A study in ports and adapters

I've got some utilities that I use in the interactive shell which write representations of documents to standard out.  I've been trying to go fast to go fast with them, but that's been a bit rough, so I've been considering a switch to go slow to go smooth approach.

My preference is to work from the outside in; if the discipline of test driven development is going to be helpful as a design tool, then we should really be allowing it to guide where the module boundaries belong.

So let's consider an outside in approach to these shell applications.  My first goal is to establish how I can disconnect the logic that I want to test from the context that it runs in.  Having that separation will allow me to shift that logic into a test harness, where I can measure its behavior.

In the case of these little shell tools, there are three "values" I need to think about.  The command line arguments are one, the environment that the app is executing in is a second, and the output effect is the third.  So in Java, I can be thinking about a world that looks like this:

In the ports and adapters lingo, TheApp::main is taking on the role of an adapter, connecting the java run time to the port: TheApp::f.

For testing, I don't want effects, I want values.  More specifically, I want values that I can evaluate for correctness independently from the test subject.  And so I'm aiming for an adapter that looks like a function.

So I'll achieve that by providing a PrintStream that I can later query for information

In my tests, I can then verify, independently, that the array of bytes returned by the adapter has the correct properties.

Approaching the problem from the outside like this, I'm no longer required to guess about my modules -- they naturally arise as I identify interesting decisions in my implementation through the processes of removing duplication and introducing expressive names.

Instead, my guesses are about the boundary itself: what do I need from the outside world? How can I describe that element in such a way that it can be implemented completely in process?

Standard input, standard output, standard error are all pretty straight forward in Java, which somewhat obscures the general case.  Time requires a little bit of thinking about.  Connecting to remote processes may require more thought -- we probably don't want to be working down at the level of a database connection pool, for example.

We'll often need to invent an abstraction to express each of the roles that are being provided by the boundary.  A rough cut that allows the decoupling of the outer world gives us a starting point from which to discover these more refined boundaries.

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