Monday, March 11, 2019

TDD: Retrospective from a train

I went into Boston this evening for the Software Crafters Meetup.  Unfortunately, the train schedule and other obligations meant that I had to leave the party early.  This evenings exercise was a stripped down version of Game of Life.
Given a 3 x 3 grid, create function that will tell you whether center cell in next generation is dead or live.
 Upon review, I see that I got bit a number of different ways.

The first problem was that I skipped the step of preparing a list of test cases to work through.  The whole Proper Planning and Preparation thing is still not a habit.  In this case, I feel that I lost track of two important test cases; one that didn't matter (because we had a passing implementation already) and one where it did (I had lost track of the difference between two neighbors and three neighbors).

One of my partners suggested that "simplest way to pass the test" was to introduce some accidental duplication, and my goodness does that make a mess of things.  Sandi Metz argues that duplication is cheaper than the wrong abstraction; but I'm not even sure this counts as "wrong abstraction" -- even in a laboratory setting, the existing implementation is a powerful attractor for similar code.

Fundamentally, this problem is a simple function, which can be decomposed into three smaller parts:

But we never got particularly close to that; the closest we came was introducing a countNeighbors function in parallel, and then introducing that element as a replacement for our prior code.  We didn't "discover" anything meaningful when refactoring.

I suspect that this is, at least in part, a side effect of the accidental duplication -- the coupling of the output and the input was wrong, and therefore more difficult to refactor into something that was correct.

In retrospect, I think "remove duplication" is putting the emphasis in the wrong place.  Getting the first test to pass by hard coding the correct answer is a great way to complete test calibration in minimal wall clock time.  But before moving on there is a "show your work" step that removes the implicit duplication between the inputs and the outputs.

We talked a bit about the fact that the tests were hard to read; not a problem if they are scaffolding, because we can throw them out, but definitely a concern if we want the tests to stay behind as living documentation or examples.  Of course, making things more readable means more names -- are they part of the test, or is the fact that the tests needs them a hint that they will be useful to consumers as well?  Do we need additional tests for those names? How do we make those tests understandable?

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