Monday, January 15, 2018

Command messages in REST

Kevin Swiber, of SIREN fame, just taught me a nifty trick for describing commands to a resource

Background: commands are semantically unsafe operations, as described in the HTTP specification. They are messages that expect to induce a change of state on the server, they invalidate caches, and so on.

In considering a design that conforms to the REST architectural style, it's useful to ask "how did we do it on the web?" We had URI, and HTTP, and HTML; those elements alone were enough to support catastrophic success.

Now, in HTML, the only readily available link for unsafe operations was the form, which supported only GET and POST. When there's only one road, you take it: servers would send HTML representations that would include Forms, that would describe to the client how to create the command message.

Notice that this is very much a hypermedia approach - if the server wishes to communicate that the command should not be sent, it simply removes the form from the representation.  Elements that are no longer necessary can be removed from the form.  New optional elements can be added by simply including a new input control and providing a reasonable default value.

What this teaches us is that a POST message with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded payload is a perfectly satisfactory way of modeling a command sent to a resource.

But I've got to admit,  that doesn't feel much like "REST".

So here's another way of thinking about it.

HTTP Patch affords the modification of resources.  We tend to think about the payload as a list of changes to make; but another way of thinking about it is that the payload describes a list of commands.  For example, application/json-patch+json is a document that describes operations; add, remove, and so on.

First trick: any resource that supports PATCH application/json-patch+json can just as easily provide the same functionality via POST application/json-patch+json.  The semantics of PATCH are more specific than those of POST, but they don't fundamentally conflict with each other.

Second trick: application/json-patch+json is just a representation of a sequence of operations; with those operations taken specifically from the vocabulary of manipulating a json document.  We don't particularly want to be borrowing those semantics unless they happen to be a particularly good fit for our domain; we likely have our own names for operations, particular parameters, and so on. So we instead might choose our own patch document representation; and write it up so that clients can be coded against it.

Third trick: these media types don't have any magical properties; they are just rules for taking semantic meaning and encoding that meaning as bytes, and then reversing the process at the other end. We can use any byte representation we like, provided that the client and the server agree on the rules being used. We could use text/plain, or application/json. Alas, both of those representations suffer from the problem that we need additional out of band communication to ensure that both ends of the conversation understand the meaning the same way.

Fourth trick: if our command message can be represented as a collection of key/value pairs (likely the case, if we account for hierarchical keys), then application/x-www-form-urlencoding is another possible representation that we might use. It shares the same problem we just saw: the client and server need to agree on semantics. But with one important difference: we already possess a standard format with facilities for describing application/x-www-form-urlencoded representations in band: HTML.

So, yeah -- it's REST.

That still doesn't mean "easy"; the client still has to know what it wants to do, how to find the right form to do it, how to find the fields it wants to set before submitting the form.  In much the same way that JSON Patch puts semantics on top of JSON, you need something that describes your domain semantics on top of HTML (or whatever other hypermedia representation you prefer).

An advantage in this approach is that it allows us to take advantage of the cache invalidation semantics of POST; which is to say, because we are sending the message to be handled by "the" resource, as opposed to some other resource that understands the semantics of a specific command, the caches are able to invalidate the representations that are actually being changed, rather than invalidating an irrelevant side channel.

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