Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sketching Evil Hangman, featuring GeePaw

GeePaw Hill christened his twitch channel this week to a presentation of his approach to TDD, featuring an implementation of Evil Hangman.

Evil Hangman is a mimic of the traditional word guessing game, with a twist -- evil hangman doesn't commit to a solution immediately.  It's a good mimic - the observable behavior of the game is entirely consistent with a fair implementation that has committed to some word in the corpus.  But it will beat you unfairly if it can.

So, as a greenfield problem, how do you get started?

From what I can see, there are three approaches that you might take:
  • You can start with a walking skeleton, making some arbitrary choices about I/O, and work your way inward.
  • You can start with the functional core, and work your way inward
  • You can start with an element from a candidate design, and work your way outward.
GeePaw, it seems, is a lot more comfortable when he has pieces that he can microtest.  I got badly spooked on that approach years ago when I looked into the sudoku exercise.  So my preference is to choose an observable behavior that I understand, fake it, remove the duplication, and then add additional tests to the suite that force me to extend the solution's design.

Ultimately, if you examine the complexity of the test subjects, you might decide that I'm writing "integrated" or "acceptance" tests.  From my perspective, I don't care - the tests are fast, decoupled from the environment, and embarrassingly parallel.  Furthermore, the purpose of the tests is to facilitate my design work, not to prove correctness.

What this produces, if I do it right, is tests that are resilient to changes in the the design, but which may be brittle to changes in requirements.

My early tests, especially in greenfield work, tend to be primitive obsessed.  All I have in the beginning are domain agnostic constructs to work with, so how could they be anything but?  I don't view this as a failing, because I'm working outside in -- which is to say that my tests are describing the boundary of my system, where things aren't object oriented.  Primitives are the simplest thing that could possibly work, and allow me to move past my writer's block into having arguments with the code.

As a practice exercise, I would normally choose to start from the boundary of the functional core -- we aren't being asked to integrate with anything in particular, and my experiences so far haven't suggested that there is a lot of novelty there.
One should not ride in the buggy all the time. One has the fun of it and then gets out.
So, where to begin?

I'm looking for a function - something that will accept some domain agnostic arguments and return a domain agnostic value that I can measure.

Here, we know that the basic currency is that the player will be making guesses, and the game will be responding with clues.  So we could think in terms of a list of string inputs and a list of string outputs.  But the game also has hidden state, and I know from hard lessons that making that state an input to the test function will make certain kinds of verification easier.

The tricky bit, of course, is that I won't always know what that hidden state is until I get into the details.  I may end up discovering that my initial behaviors depend on some hidden variable that I hadn't considered as part of the API, and I'll need to remediate that later.

In this case, one of the bits of state is the corpus - the list of words that the game has to choose from.  Using a restricted word list makes it easier to specify the behavior of the implementation.  For instance, if all of the words in the corpus are the same length, then we know exactly how many dashes are going to be displayed in the initial hint.  If there is only a single word in the corpus, then we know exactly how the app will respond to any guess.

Making the corpus an input is the affordance that we need to specify degenerate cases.

Another place where degeneracy might be helpful is allowing the test to control the players mistake allotment.  Giving the human player no tolerance for errors allows us to explore endgame behavior much more easily.

And if we don't think of these affordances in our initial guess?  That's fine - we introduce a new entry point with an "extract method refactoring", eliminating duplication by having the original test subject delegate its behavior to our improved API, deprecating the original, and eliminating it when it is no longer required.

Simplest thing that can possibly work is a proposal, not a promise.

For the most part, that's what my sketches tend to look like: some exploration of the problem space, a guess at the boundary, and very little early speculation about the internals.

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