Saturday, August 3, 2019

TDD: Random is Arbitrary

I happened across a Yahtzee kata today. Although I didn't work that exercise today, it got me thinking again about random behaviors.
Any one who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.
If your goal is to write fast, deterministic tests that you can use to detect unintended changes during a refactoring, then you need to treat a random number generator the way you would a clock.  The test itself has to decide which random sequence to provide, and pass it to the test subject.

But there's a second problem, which is this -- if a random choice from a list is an acceptable behavior, then so to must be the same random choice from every permutation of that list.

If we can map a sequence of random numbers to [HEADS, TAILS], and produce from that an acceptable behavior, then it must also be true that mapping the same sequence of random numbers to [TAILS, HEADS] must also be acceptable.  You can replace one with the other any time you want.

But doing that isn't a refactoring; when we make this change, the same inputs produce different outputs, which are measured by the test harness.

The choice of which permutation to use is an implementation detail; any tests that depend on the specific requirements are overfit.

Can you beat this by passing in an ordered list of choices?  Not really, for the same reason - if the permutation of items that you pass in produces an acceptable behavior, then it sill also be acceptable for the code under test to re-order those items before using them.

Anoher related problem is that there are different ways to interact with the random number generator that produce equally acceptable results.  If we want to randomly toss three coins, we can pull three random numbers and project each onto [0,1], and encode the result, or we can pull a single random number, project onto [0,7], and then use a squashed encoding to interpret the result.  If one is valid, then so to is the other -- but they leave the RNG in different states, and therefore we have additional risks of overfitting.

What does this mean?  That simply decoupling the random number generator isn't enough.  We need to be passing the result of the random choice - pass in the coin after it has been flipped, pass in the dice after they have been rolled, pass in the deck after it has been shuffled.

It's not enough to inject the random number generator into the test; you need to leave the arbitrary mapping of the random number to some result value in the imperative shell as well.

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