Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Read Models vs Write Models

At Stack Exchange, I answered a question about DDD vs SQL, which resulted in a question about CQRS that I think requires more detail than is appropriate for that setting.
The "read model" is not the domain model (or part of it)? I am not an expert on CQRS, but I always thought the command model is quite different from the classic domain model, but not the read model. So maybe you can give an example for this?
So let's lay some ground work

A domain model is not a particular diagram; it is the idea that the diagram is intended to convey.  It is not just the knowledge in the domain expert's head; it is a rigorously organized and selective abstraction of that knowledge.  -- Eric Evans, 2003.
A Domain Model creates a web of interconnected objects, where each object represents some meaningful individual, whether as large as a corporation or as small as a single line on an order form.  -- Martin Fowler, 2003.
I think that Fowler's definition is a bit tight; there's no reason that we should need to use a different term when modeling with values and functions, rather than objects.

I think it is important to be sensitive to the fact that in some contexts we are talking about the abstraction of expert knowledge, and in others we are talking about an implementation that approximates that abstraction.

Discussions of "read model" and "write model" almost always refer to the implemented approximations.  We take a single abstraction of domain knowledge, and divide our approximation of it into two parts - one that handles our read use cases, and another that handles our write use cases.

When we are handling a write, there are usually constraints to ensure the integrity of the information that we are modeling.  That might be as simple as a constraint that we not overwrite information that was previously written, or it might mean that we need to ensure that new writes are consistent with the information already written.

So to handle a write, we will often take information from our durable store, load it into volatile memory, then create from that information a structure in memory into which the new information will be integrated.  The "domain logic" calculates new information, which is written back to the durable store.

On the other hand, reads are safe; "asking the question shouldn't change the answer".  In that case, we don't need the domain logic, because we aren't going to integrate new information. We can take the on disk representation of the information, and transform it directly into our query response, without passing through the intermediate representations we would use when writing.

We'll still want input sanitation, and message semantics that reflect our understanding of the domain experts abstraction, but we aren't going to need "aggregate roots", or "locks" or the other patterns that prevent the introduction of errors when changing information.  We still need the data, and the semantics that approximate our abstraction, but we don't need the rules.

We don't need the parts of our implementation that manage change.

When I answer "the query itself is unlikely to pass through the domain model", that's shorthand for the idea that we don't need to build domain specific data structures as we translate the information we retrieved from our durable store into our response message.

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