So having invested in an equals method, Beck now rewrites the multiplication test to use it. At this point, the tests for both multiplication and equality are completely decoupled from the data structures hidden behind the Dollar facade.
In effect, he takes an approach similar to the "unit test" approach described by Beizer - if Dollar::equals is well tested, then we can have the same confidence in that method that we do in the standard library, and therefore we can use it in testing other methods.
(I wouldn't call Dollar::equals well tested yet, of course. It still doesn't satisfy the general contract of Object::equals. "This is a risk we actively manage in TDD.")
In addition, since the tests are only using the facade, the implementation details can be made private, reducing future costs should we decide later that the underlying data representation should change - a la Parnas 1971.
Kent seems to be much happier with the clarity of the multiplication test here, but I'm not certain that this improvement is worth the emphasis.
Fundamentally, my issue is this: Dollar::equals is unmotivated. When we review the report we have in chapter 1, what do we find? We need to be able to "display" Dollars, and sum a column of Dollars, and multiply a price (Dollars / share) and number of shares to determine a position. The report tells us that presentation and arithmetic have business value.
But I see nothing in the report that indicates that logic has value. Equality isn't a thing that we need to satisfy a customer need right now.
Instead, the demand for equality came about because we wanted a "value object", and because we wanted test design that looked nice. Which feels to me as though we're chasing our own tail down a rabbit hole.
Expressed another way - by using equality, we've decoupled the current array of tests from the amount. However, this is unsatisfactory because some representation of amount is precisely the thing we need to get out of the Dollar object when we are producing the report.
The representation in the report is effectively part of the human interface, and we should be, perhaps, reluctant to couple our tests too tightly to that interface ("abstractions should not depend upon details"), but we do need some abstraction of amount to produce a useful report.
A black box that accepts integers and returns booleans does not satisfy.
What this reminds me of: early TDD exercises where the actual business value was delivered at the end, when all of the design-in-the-mind was finally typed into the computer, as opposed to ensuring the value first, then refactoring until there are no more improvements to be made.
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