Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kata: Refactor the Wumpus

I've shared a Java port of Hunt the Wumpus on Github.

The port is deliberately dreadful -- I tried to simulate a legacy code base by adhering as closely as I could manage, both in structure and in style, to the original.

Java doesn't have a useful goto, and I needed line number hints to keep track of where I was in the source code, so I've introduced a few awful names as well.

But there is a battery of tests available: record-and-playback of my implementation through a number of potentially interesting transcripts.
The key thing is that correct behavior is defined by what the set of classes did yesterday -- Michael Feathers
Producing stable, repeatable behaviors took a bit of thinking, but I was able to work out (eventually) that feature flags were the right approach.  By accident, I got part of the way there early; I had elected to make the record-and-playback tests an optional part of the build via maven profiles.

The argument for a feature flag goes something like this: what I'm really doing is introducing a change in behavior that should not be visible at run time - a dark deploy, so to speak.  Therefore, all of the techniques for doing that are in bounds.

It took a bit of trial and error before I hit on the right mechanism for implementing the changed behavior.  The code in the repository is only a sketch (the object of this exercise is _wumpus_, not feature flags), but if you squint you may be able to see Mark Seemann's ideas taking form.

With the tests in place to manage expectations, you can then engage the Simple Design Dynamo and get to work. I think in practice this particular exercise is biased more toward improve names than it is toward remove duplication, because of the style of the original.
Make the change easy, then make the easy change.  -- Kent Beck
My guess is that rather than trying to attack the code base as a whole, that it may be more effective to work toward particular goals.  Parnas taught us to limit the visibility of design decisions, so that we might more easily change them.  So look through the code for decisions that we might want to change.
  • The existing code implements its own interactive shell; how would we change the code to replace it with a library?
  • The interface for making a move or shooting an arrow is a bit clumsy, can it be replaced?
  • What changes do we need to support a web version, where each input from the player occurs in its own session.
  • Knowing the layout of the tunnel system gives the hunter a significant advantage when shooting arrows.  We could disguise the hunter's location by using randomized names.
  • Can we change the system to support mazes of different size? Mazes with more tunnels?  Mazes where the rooms are not symmetric, with "missing" tunnels? Mazes with more/fewer hazards?
  • Does the language need to be English? 

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